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The butterfly mouthpiece represents an absolute bitting innovation. The anatomically correct shape combined with the broader contact area with the tongue creates the maximum amount of space for this extremely important and sensitive muscle with the possibility of a very gentle effect. Horses show they are feeling well with increased chewing and an improved acceptance of the bit. If a stronger effect on the horse"s mouth is required, then a cheekpiece acting as a lever can achieve an alteration to the angulation of the mouthpiece in the mouth. Then, through the increased pressure on certain points, the transmission desired can be achieved. When the pressure is relaxed the butterfly bar returns immediately to its comfortable position. The Kimblewick bit is an effective combination of a lever action on the horse‘s lower jaw, poll pressure and a re-positioning of the bit inside the horse‘s mouth. Three different buckling options allow a well regulated use of the bit. The solid sidepieces of the bit give it a certain weightiness, which ensures a quieter position in the mouth.

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