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Climbing Tower for Chickens: A Paradise for Activity and Entertainment

The Climbing Tower for Chickens is the ideal solution for keeping your chickens entertained and active in their coop or run. This innovative product offers various opportunities for your pets to fulfill their natural climbing and exploring needs. Featuring a swing as an additional seating option and a multi-rung ladder that promotes the typical “roosting” behavior, the climbing tower not only provides entertainment but also encourages the physical activity of your chickens. Thanks to its very robust wooden construction, the climbing tower is durable and resistant to the everyday wear and tear of a chicken coop.

The Climbing Tower for Chickens is particularly suitable for chicken owners who want to provide their pets with an environment that meets their natural needs. The swing and the multi-rung ladder offer both mental and physical stimulation, leading to an overall happier and healthier flock. Made from high-quality wood, the climbing tower meets all the requirements of a sturdy and safe construction that withstands daily use with ease.


  • Climbing tower for chickens for varied entertainment in the coop or run
  • Swing as an additional seating option and to prevent boredom
  • Multi-rung ladder enables typical “roosting” behavior
  • Very robust wooden construction
  • Suitable for chicken owners who want to provide their pets with a natural environment

Technical Data

  • Material: Wood
  • Components: Swing, multi-rung ladder
  • Construction: Very robust
  • Dimensions: 85 x 55 x 76 cm (L x W x H)

Scope of Delivery:

1x Climbing Tower for Chickens


What are the dimensions of the Climbing Tower for Chickens?
The climbing tower has a height of approximately 1 meter and a base area of about 0.5 square meters.

Is the climbing tower weatherproof and suitable for outdoor use?
Yes, thanks to its very robust wooden construction, the climbing tower is weatherproof and can be easily used outdoors.

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