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SmartCoop Feeder with Controller + Dispenser Set

The SmartCoop Feeder with Controller + Dispenser Set is the ideal solution for automatic feeding and monitoring of your chickens. This set consists of a controller, a feeder, and a dispenser with level sensor. The SmartCoop controller forms the heart of the system and connects all modules together. With 12 slots inside the housing, it offers flexible configuration and easy programming. An integrated light sensor enables daylight-dependent control, while the LED status indicator provides a quick overview of the current system status. The impact-resistant and dust-proof plastic housing protects the system from damage.

The SmartCoop Feeder ensures that your chickens have access to feed at all times. The feeder flap opens when a chicken steps on the pedal and closes again when it leaves, making it difficult for pests to access the feed. The feeder is made of durable, impact-resistant plastic and can be removed without tools for easy cleaning or refilling. The adjustable partition allows the adjustment of feed supply for different types of feed.

The dispenser with level sensor extends the feeder with additional functions. It allows individual programming of feeding times and amounts and monitors the feed level. When the feed level is low, the integrated level sensor sends a signal to the controller, notifying you to refill in time. The dispenser is also made of durable plastic, easy to clean, and suitable for all types of feed.


  • Controller with 12 slots and light sensor
  • LED status indicator and impact-resistant plastic housing
  • Feeder with pedal mechanism
  • Adjustable partition
  • Dispenser with programmable times and amounts
  • Integrated level sensor

Technical Data:

  • Controller: 12 slots, integrated light sensor, LED status indicator
  • Housing: Impact-resistant and dust-proof plastic housing
  • Feeder: Pedal mechanism, tool-free removal, adjustable partition
  • Dispenser: Integrated level sensor, 200 cm connection cable, suitable for all types of feed

Scope of Delivery:

1x SmartCoop Controller with 230 V power supply
1x Mounting screws set
1x Terminal bridges with mounting screws
1x SmartCoop Feeder 7.5 kg
1x SmartCoop Dispenser with level sensor

Note: Additional modules are available separately.


How is the SmartCoop Feeder installed?
The feeder is supplied with a wall bracket and screws for space-saving and secure mounting.

Can the dispenser be used for different types of feed?
Yes, the dispenser is suitable for all types of feed and can be programmed individually.

Specii de animale: Pasări de curte
Date conform producatorului. Erori și modificări rezervate.

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    662 RON*
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    592 RON*
    Alimentator automat SmartCoop 7,5 kg
    Alimentator automat SmartCoop 7,5 kg
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    249 RON* 259 RON* (3.86% saved)
    SmartCoop unitate de control
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    742 RON*
    SmartCoop automatic chicken coop door with rope pull 30 x 40 cm set
    SmartCoop automatic chicken coop door with rope pull 30 x 40 cm set
    SmartCoop automatic chicken coop door with rope pull 30 x 40 cm set The SmartCoop automatic chicken coop door with rope pull 30 x 40 cm set includes the SmartCoop control unit, the SmartCoop rope pull, and the automatic chicken coop door in the size 30 x 40 cm. Experience ultimate freedom and safety for your chickens with the SmartCoop automatic chicken coop door with rope pull 30 x 40 cm set. This innovatively designed set offers a fully automatic control of your chicken coop door, ensuring that your chickens always enter or exit the coop at the right time. The heart of the set, the SmartCoop control unit, provides easy and intuitive operation through its flexible configurability and its LED status display. The impact-resistant and dustproof plastic housing protects the control unit from external influences, ensuring a long service life. Install the control unit in a secure and easily accessible location in your chicken coop to ensure maximum efficiency. In combination with the SmartCoop control unit, the SmartCoop rope pull allows multiple operating modes, including time-controlled, light-controlled, and manual opening and closing. The integrated external light detection ensures that the automatic chicken coop door only opens with real daylight and not due to sudden light sources such as passing cars or lightning. The rope pull supports chicken coop doors with a maximum weight of 3 kg and is easy to install on any door. A 200 cm long connection cable allows for flexible installation. The automatic chicken coop door with dimensions of 30 x 40 cm provides a reliable and comfortable solution for opening and closing the door in your poultry coop. This door is specifically designed to operate automatically, taking the manual work off your hands. Thanks to its robust design, it is durable and ensures that your chickens are safe and protected. The installation is simple and straightforward, allowing you to quickly benefit from the advantages of automatic control. Overview: LED status display Impact-resistant and dustproof plastic housing Flexible configuration with 12 slots Daylight sensor Multiple operating modes External light detection Max. door weight 3 kg 200 cm connection cable Door size 30 x 40 cm Technical Data: Control unit: 230 V voltage, 12 V operating voltage Housing: impact-resistant and dustproof Rope pull: max. door weight 3 kg, 200 cm connection cable Door size: 30 x 40 cm Package Contents: 1x SmartCoop control unit with 230 V power supply1x SmartCoop rope pull1x Automatic chicken coop door 30 x 40 cm1x Set of mounting screws1x Terminal blocks with mounting screws Note: Additional modules are available separately. FAQ: How is the SmartCoop control unit configured?The SmartCoop control unit offers 12 slots for flexible configuration. One slot is provided for power supply, and the other 11 for various modules. Can the chicken coop door also be opened and closed manually?Yes, the SmartCoop rope pull allows for time-controlled, light-controlled, and manual operating modes. What safety measures are in place to prevent unwanted opening of the chicken coop door?The integrated external light detection prevents the door from opening due to sudden light sources such as car headlights or lightning.

    1.135 RON*
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door with Pulley + WiFi Set
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door with Pulley + WiFi Set
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door with Pulley + WiFi Set The SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door with Pulley + WiFi Set includes the SmartCoop Control, the SmartCoop Pulley, the Automatic Chicken Door (30 x 40 cm), and the SmartCoop Connectivity Module. The SmartCoop Control offers simple operation with its flexible configurability and LED status display. The impact-resistant and dustproof plastic housing protects the control from external influences and guarantees long service life. The SmartCoop Pulley allows timed, light-driven, and manual opening and closing operations. The integrated foreign light detection ensures that the automatic chicken door only opens with real daylight. The pulley supports chicken doors with a maximum weight of 3 kg and is easy to mount on all doors. A 200 cm connection cable allows flexible installation. The Automatic Chicken Door (30 x 40 cm) provides a reliable and convenient solution for opening and closing the door in your poultry coop. Thanks to its robust construction, it is durable and ensures that your chickens are safe and protected. Installation is simple and hassle-free. With the WiFi-enabled SmartCoop Connectivity Module, controlling the chicken door becomes a breeze. You need the SmartCoop App and a connection to the local WiFi. The high-quality antenna ensures extensive range. The module comes with a 30 cm connection cable and can only be used in conjunction with the SmartCoop Control. Overview: LED status display Impact-resistant and dustproof plastic housing Flexible configuration with 12 slots Daylight sensor Multiple operating modes Foreign light detection Max. door weight 3 kg 200 cm connection cable Door size 30 x 40 cm Requirement: SmartCoop App & WiFi connection High-quality antenna for extensive range Technical Data: Control: 230 V voltage, 12 V operating voltage Housing: impact-resistant and dustproof Pulley: max. door weight 3 kg, 200 cm connection cable Door size: 30 x 40 cm Scope of Delivery:1x SmartCoop Control with 230 V power supply1x SmartCoop Pulley1x Automatic Chicken Door 30 x 40 cm1x SmartCoop Connectivity Module1x Mounting screw set1x Terminal bridges with mounting screws Note: Further modules are available separately. FAQ: How is the SmartCoop Control configured?The SmartCoop Control offers 12 slots for flexible configuration. One slot is for power supply, the other 11 for various modules. Can the chicken door also be opened and closed manually?Yes, the SmartCoop Pulley enables timed, light-driven, and manual operating modes. What safety measures are there against unwanted opening of the chicken door?The integrated foreign light detection prevents the door from opening due to sudden light sources like car headlights or lightning.

    1.787 RON*
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door Set
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door Set
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door Set The SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door Set consists of the SmartCoop Control Unit and the SmartCoop Chicken Door. The control unit forms the heart of the SmartCoop system, as it connects and programs all modules. With 12 slots inside the housing, the control unit offers a flexible configuration. It features one slot for power supply and eleven slots for modules that can be individually adapted to your needs. The integrated light sensor enables daylight-dependent control of the various SmartCoop modules. Thanks to the LED status indicator, you always have a quick overview of the current status of the system. The impact-resistant and dustproof plastic housing of the control unit protects the SmartCoop system from damage and guarantees a long service life. We still recommend installing it in an easily accessible location, protected from weather conditions inside the chicken coop. The SmartCoop Chicken Door with rack and pinion drive is the perfect everyday helper for your chicken coop and provides reliable protection against predators. This automatic chicken door is suitable for all chicken coops and opens and closes horizontally, ensuring safe access to the outdoor area. The chicken door comes with a 300 cm long connection cable to provide flexible placement and easy installation. In case of emergency, it is equipped with a manual control lever in emergency mode, allowing you to manually open or close the door if necessary. Please note that the use of the SmartCoop Chicken Door requires the SmartCoop Control Unit, which is sold separately and allows seamless integration into the SmartCoop system. Overview: Set consisting of SmartCoop Control Unit and Chicken Door Control Unit: 12 slots, light sensor, LED status indicator Chicken Door: Rack and pinion drive, opens and closes horizontally 300 cm connection cable for flexible placement Manual control lever in emergency mode Control Unit sold separately Technical Data: Control Unit: 12 slots, integrated light sensor, LED status indicator, impact-resistant and dustproof plastic housing Chicken Door: Rack and pinion drive, 300 cm connection cable, manual control lever in emergency mode Material: Plastic housing Package Contents: 1x SmartCoop Control Unit with 230 V power supply1x Mounting screws set1x Terminal bridges with mounting screws1x SmartCoop Chicken Door Note: Additional modules are sold separately. FAQ: How many slots does the SmartCoop Control Unit have?The SmartCoop Control Unit has a total of 12 slots – one for the power supply and eleven for additional modules. Can the chicken door be operated manually?Yes, the SmartCoop Chicken Door has a manual control lever in emergency mode, allowing you to manually open or close the door if necessary.

    1.244 RON*
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door Set
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door Set
    SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door WiFi Set The SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door Set consists of the SmartCoop Controller, the SmartCoop Chicken Door, and the SmartCoop Connectivity Module. The controller is the heart of the SmartCoop system and connects all modules. With 12 slots, the controller offers a flexible configuration. The integrated light sensor allows daylight-dependent control. Thanks to the LED status indicator, you can always see the system's status. The impact-resistant and dust-proof plastic housing reliably protects the SmartCoop system. The SmartCoop Chicken Door with rack drive is the perfect everyday helper for your chicken coop and provides reliable protection against predators. This automatic chicken door is suitable for all chicken coops and opens and closes horizontally. This ensures safe access to the outdoor enclosure. The chicken door comes with a 300 cm long connection cable for flexible placement and easy installation. In an emergency, it has a lever for manual operation in emergency mode, allowing the door to be opened or closed manually if necessary. Please note that using the SmartCoop Chicken Door requires the SmartCoop Controller, which is sold separately and enables seamless integration into the SmartCoop System. With the WiFi-enabled Connectivity Module from SmartCoop, controlling the system is a breeze. You need the SmartCoop App and a connection to the local WiFi network. In combination with the SmartCoop Controller, you gain full control over all system functions. The high-quality antenna ensures a high reception range, even with weak WiFi signals. The durable housing allows permanent outdoor installation. The module comes with a 30 cm connection cable and can only be used in conjunction with the SmartCoop Controller. Overview Set consisting of SmartCoop Controller, Chicken Door, and Connectivity Module Controller: 12 slots, light sensor, LED status indicator Chicken Door: rack drive, opens and closes horizontally 300 cm connection cable for flexible placement Connectivity Module: high reception range, weatherproof housing Lever for manual operation in emergency mode Requirement: SmartCoop App & WiFi connection Technical Data Controller: 12 slots, integrated light sensor, LED status indicator, impact-resistant and dust-proof plastic housing Chicken Door: rack drive, 300 cm connection cable, lever for manual operation in emergency mode Connectivity Module: high-quality antenna, weatherproof housing, 30 cm connection cable Material: plastic housing Scope of Delivery 1x SmartCoop Controller with 230 V power supply 1x Mounting screw set 1x Terminal bridges with mounting screws 1x SmartCoop Chicken Door 1x SmartCoop Connectivity Module Note: Additional modules are sold separately. FAQ How many slots does the SmartCoop Controller have? The SmartCoop Controller has a total of 12 slots – one for the power supply and eleven for other modules. Can the chicken door be operated manually? Yes, the SmartCoop Chicken Door has a lever for manual operation in emergency mode, allowing you to open or close the door manually if necessary.

    1.936 RON*