Cat toy Safari Wild Bird
20 RON*
Disponibile doar 1.
Disponibil, termen de livrare: 3-5 zile
- Stimulating, realistic-looking cat toy
- Cute design in the shape of a wild bird
- Promotes play and hunting instincts
- With feathers and catnip
- Made from high-quality materials
- Suitable for physical and mental engagement
Cat toy Safari Wild Bird - Encourages Your Cat's Natural Hunting Instinct
The Cat toy Safari Wild Bird is specifically designed to awaken your cat's natural play and hunting instincts. With its animated, lifelike design in the shape of a wild bird and its cute, fun appearance, it offers hours of playtime for your cat. The wild bird is equipped with feathers that add extra stimuli and contains catnip to entice your cat to play.
This cat toy is perfect for those who want to keep their cat physically and mentally stimulated. The play and hunting instincts of your cat are optimally encouraged by this toy. The Cat toy Safari Wild Bird is made from high-quality materials to ensure durability and safety. The dimensions are 27 x 14 cm and it comes in an attractive brown design.
- animated, lifelike cat toy
- cute design in the shape of a wild bird
- stimulates play and hunting instincts
- with feathers and catnip
- brown, 27 x 14 cm
Technical Data:
- Dimensions: 27 x 14 cm
- Color: Brown
- Material: High-quality materials (specific material components to be noted)
Included in Delivery:
1x Cat toy Safari Wild Bird
Why is the Cat toy Safari Wild Bird equipped with catnip?
Catnip has an appealing effect on cats and motivates them to play. It makes the toy even more interesting and varied for your cat.
How durable is the Cat toy Safari Wild Bird?
The Cat toy Safari Wild Bird is made from high-quality materials that ensure durability and safety. However, the toy should be regularly checked for damage to prevent injury.
Kerbl Pet oferă o gamă largă de accesorii pentru animale de companie de înaltă calitate concepute special pentru a maximiza bunăstarea și fericirea prietenilor tăi blăniți. Cu o combinație de calitate remarcabilă, design inovator și caracteristici practice, veți găsi totul, de la paturi confortabile pentru câini la jucării interactive pentru pisici. Deosebit de remarcat este angajamentul Kerbl Pet față de durabilitate, deoarece multe produse sunt fabricate într-o manieră ecologică. Asigurați un mediu fericit și sănătos pentru animalele dvs. de companie și descoperiți produsele versatile Kerbl Pet la Agrarzone.